Increased Permitted Development Rights means larger house extensions

Increased Permitted Development Rights means larger house extensions

For a period of 3 years, commencing 30 May 2013 and expiring 30 May 2016 householders will be able to build larger single storey rear extensions under new permitted development rights. This in effect doubles the size of extensions permissible under the existing permitted development rights.

Extensions to detached houses will increase to 8 metres, up from 4 metres whilst for all other properties, the increase is up to 6 metres, up from the existing 3 metres.

House Extensions by Grainge Architects

Whilst there is no fee in connection with the process, anyone wishing to take advantage of the opportunity to build a larger single storey extension will need to contact the local planning authority with:

  • A written description of the proposal
  • Confirm the length that the extension extends beyond the rear wall of the original house.
  • Confirm the height of the highest point of the extension and the height of the eaves.
  • A plan of the site indicating the proposed development.
  • Addresses of all adjoining properties
  • Contact details for the developer  

Upon receipt of the application for permitted development, the local authority will notify all neighbours of the proposal giving them the opportunity to object if they wish. Neighbours have 21 days to object, and the local authority will take any objections into account when making their decision.

The development can proceed if the local planning authority issues their approval or within the 42 day determination period if no decision is made by the local authority.

If the approval is refused there is a right to appeal.

To benefit from the increased permitted development rights for larger home extensions, the extension must be completed on or before 30 May 2016. The Local Authority must be notified in writing of the date of completion. The existing conditions for permitted development apply, such as the extension must not exceed 4m in height, is built from materials to match the existing building and doesn’t occupy more than half the garden etc.

Clearly not all people may see these changes as being beneficial. Neighbours faced with the possibility of large extensions not requiring planning permission may well be concerned. Careful & thoughtful design will still be necessary so as to avoid any conflicts. Significant extra space may now be available to homeowners if they are able to take advantage of the opportunity within the timescale. Here at Grainge Architects we fully expect to see a rush of new domestic projects taking place in the near future.

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